Tuesday, December 7, 2010

it ended

well, afrah broke up with me tadi. damn. that hurts. but what to do kan. its my fault. tipu la kalau i cakap i tak heartbroken afrah. coz i really am in love with you. but i wont force you to accept me back or anything. i am running out of time already, maybe mmg patut u tinggal i. this is for the best.

i just hope that i could spend more time with you to try and make you happier. i am sorry bout that story i told you that ha changed everything. thats the thing that i'll regret for the rest of my life. i love you okay. alot. and i promise that i am always here for you if you need anyone. i will always be you son punye daddy kan? and i hope that you would still name your kids Zaquan Rizal nanti. :)

i dont think i will be updating this blog anymore, because, theres nothing left for me to say and tell. and there is nothing that i could say that could really take the pain away. 

my days with you was magic. all the fights,laughter,tears and smiles, had made me the happiest guy alive . im lucky to have you for the second time. and really, i dont regret being with you. i love you. take care of yourself and also twinkles my son :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Selalu kene marah

Eh sayang, do you know that you are a very 'garang' person? Haha. Selalu je kan i kene marah dengan you. Tapi its okay sayang. I think i am getting use to it already. And to be honest, i am starting to feel that you are really-really sweet when you are angry. It does not matter anymore that when you marah, your words can be really hurtful because i know that you still love with that every word that you say :)

Tapi kan sayang, you kene kurang-kurangkan sikit la marah marah i. Sebab i tak nak you ' nusyuz '. HAHA

Twinkles :)

Me and Afrah both pun ade twinkles masing-masing. Cume my twinkles and dia punye, lain-lain species. Dia punye ade telinge panjang, tapak kaki warne hijau ( pelik ) , berbulu , short tail and warne brownish orange plus white. I punye has a short ears, long tail , tapak kaki warne putih macam tengah pakai stokin and has a unik colour.

Afrah's twinkles is a rabbit. I gave her that rabbit as her small little furry guardian :)
I hope that small guy is doing his job well sayang. Kalau tak, i will turn him into a rabbit sate :)

Oh and both twinkles is me and Afrah's son :D

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Afrah Nur Azmina

Afrah Nur Azmina is the name of  the girl that i am gonna be with until my last heartbeat. I am officially taken by her on 14.10.2010. We had known each other for a few years now. At that time, i am still a innocent high school boy. Before this, we had something going on but it never last. And now, we are together again. This time, only death can separate us. 

I know that she will be reading this, so i just want you to know that, i love you sayang :)

We had our ups and downs kan sayang? But how tough it was pun, we manage to pass through it. No matter how much people push us aside or made us think that we're useless, we just dont give a damn. Because we both know that, i have you and you have me. How often you will fall, i'll be there every single time to catch you. I'll make you stand stronger then ever. 

I made this blog for you. When im gone, maybe this will help you to get pass through each day without me. If you cry reading all this and all the post yet to come, promise me that you will wipe your tears away and start smiling. Because i want you to smile when you think of me. And not drown in tears.

The Beginning

Hello. So as you can see, this will be my first post. I am actually not the kind of guy who would spend his time in front of the computer typing things that matters or just don't for everyone to see. But today, i'll make a change. I think i'll be typing things here now starting today. And the reason that i am doing this now, is for someone really special to me to read. It wont be long until everything starts to break apart, so i am doing this for her. When the time comes, i'll let her know about this blog of mine and i hope this will make her smile. So here goes..