Tuesday, December 7, 2010

it ended

well, afrah broke up with me tadi. damn. that hurts. but what to do kan. its my fault. tipu la kalau i cakap i tak heartbroken afrah. coz i really am in love with you. but i wont force you to accept me back or anything. i am running out of time already, maybe mmg patut u tinggal i. this is for the best.

i just hope that i could spend more time with you to try and make you happier. i am sorry bout that story i told you that ha changed everything. thats the thing that i'll regret for the rest of my life. i love you okay. alot. and i promise that i am always here for you if you need anyone. i will always be you son punye daddy kan? and i hope that you would still name your kids Zaquan Rizal nanti. :)

i dont think i will be updating this blog anymore, because, theres nothing left for me to say and tell. and there is nothing that i could say that could really take the pain away. 

my days with you was magic. all the fights,laughter,tears and smiles, had made me the happiest guy alive . im lucky to have you for the second time. and really, i dont regret being with you. i love you. take care of yourself and also twinkles my son :)

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